3128 次Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells 2012-5-23
Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells1.Explants of the 2 groups of skins (control subjects and patients with varicose veins) were prepared according to the method described f
2959 次Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells 2012-5-8
Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells Human prostate tissues1.Human hyperplastic prostates were obtained during surgery from four men through transurethral resection of
2692 次Isolation of human primary gastric mucosa epithelial cells 2012-4-19
Isolation of human primary gastric mucosa epithelial cells1.A piece of gastric mucosa (∼3 cm2) was obtained from the normal appearing mucosa of the stomach at surgery. 2.The
3792 次Isolation of human primary ovarian surface epithelial cells 2011-12-12
Isolation of human primary ovarian surface epithelial cells1.Surface epithelial cells from normal ovaries from surgical residual specimen were isolated using standard and Institut
2151 次Preparation of human platelets 2011-11-25
Preparation of human platelets 1.Human blood was taken from drug-free volunteers on the day of the experiment using acidic citrate dextrose (ACD; 120 mmol/L sodium citrate, 110 mmo
1527 次Isolation of human prostatic epithelial cells 2011-11-25
Isolation of human prostatic epithelial cells1.A small piece of tissue from each specimen was removed and minced. 2.The tissue was digested with collagenase overnight. 3.To remove
3180 次Isolation of stromal vascular cells from human adipose tissue 2011-9-30
Isolation of stromal vascular cells from human adipose tissue Stromal stem cells proliferate in vitro and may be differentiated along several lineages. The scarcity of stromal ste