3130 次Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells 2012-5-23
Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells1.Explants of the 2 groups of skins (control subjects and patients with varicose veins) were prepared according to the method described f
2960 次Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells 2012-5-8
Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells Human prostate tissues1.Human hyperplastic prostates were obtained during surgery from four men through transurethral resection of
2692 次Isolation of human primary gastric mucosa epithelial cells 2012-4-19
Isolation of human primary gastric mucosa epithelial cells1.A piece of gastric mucosa (∼3 cm2) was obtained from the normal appearing mucosa of the stomach at surgery. 2.The
1705 次Isolation of papillary cells 2012-3-26
Isolation of papillary cellsIsolation of renal papillary cells1.For isolation of papillary cells, kidneys were harvested and kept in HBSS containing 15 mM HEPES, penicillin/strept
1861 次Isolation of lymphatic endothelial cells 2012-3-12
Dermal Cell Suspensions1.Dermatomed 0.8-mm split-thickness skin was obtained from adult healthy individuals undergoing elective surgery. 2.Dermal sheets were prepared by incubatio
5520 次Isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) 2012-1-16
Isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) 1.Acid-citrate dextrose-treated blood (450 ml) was obtained from donors. 2.PBMC were isolated by centrifugation over lymphoc
3104 次Stem cell characteristics of amniotic epithelial (AE) cells 2011-12-24
Stem cell characteristics of amniotic epithelial (AE) cells Isolation of AE Cells1.Human placentae were obtained with the approval of the institutional review board, after uncompli
2159 次Placental trophoblast and chorionic cell cultures 2011-12-16
Placental trophoblast and chorionic cell cultures 1.Placental trophoblast and chorionic trophoblast cells were prepared using a modification of the method. 2.Term human placentae a
3792 次Isolation of human primary ovarian surface epithelial cells 2011-12-12
Isolation of human primary ovarian surface epithelial cells1.Surface epithelial cells from normal ovaries from surgical residual specimen were isolated using standard and Institut
1528 次Isolation of human prostatic epithelial cells 2011-11-25
Isolation of human prostatic epithelial cells1.A small piece of tissue from each specimen was removed and minced. 2.The tissue was digested with collagenase overnight. 3.To remove
3182 次Isolation of stromal vascular cells from human adipose tissue 2011-9-30
Isolation of stromal vascular cells from human adipose tissue Stromal stem cells proliferate in vitro and may be differentiated along several lineages. The scarcity of stromal ste
3264 次Isolation and cultivation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) 2011-9-30
Isolation and cultivation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) Circulating bone marrow (BM)–derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are recruited to the site of tissue rege
1708 次Isolation of dermal mast cell (DMC) 2011-9-22
Isolation of dermal mast cell (DMC) 1.Human DMC were isolated from skin by enzymatic digestion.2.Dermal tissue was obtained from patients with skin after informed consent was give
9120 次Isolation of retinal pigment epithelial cell 2011-9-16
Isolation of retinal pigment epithelial cell The pigmented layer of retina or retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is the pigmented cell layer just outside the neurosensory retina that
2357 次Trabecular cell monolayer culture 2011-9-2
Trabecular cell monolayer cultureOriginally described in 1979 and more recently modified by Stamer et al primary trabecular monolayer cell culture has been a cornerstone for inves
2236 次Isolation of rodent pancreatic β cells 2011-8-1
Isolation of rodent pancreatic β cells 1.Adult rats weighing 250-350g were anesthetized, sacrificed and immediately used for pancreas sampling.2.Rat islets were isolated from mal
2039 次Isolation of human colonic epithelial cells (EC) 2011-6-21
Isolation of human colonic epithelial cells (EC)1.Human colonic epithelial cells (EC) were isolated from freshly resected colonic surgical specimens obtained. 2.All diagnoses were
2193 次Primary brain cell isolation and culture 2011-6-13
Primary brain cell isolation and culture. 1.Cerebella were removed from 7-day-old mice and passed through Nitex nylon netting (80 μm pore size) into primary cell system containin