333 次Polysome Profiling助力揭示小核仁RNA 調控細胞衰老的分子機制 2024-12-30
【中文題目】一個小核仁RNA(SNORA13)在核糖體生成和衰老中的非經典作用研究【文章題目】A non-canonical role for a small nucleolar RNAin ribosome biogenesis and senescence【發(fā)表期刊】Cel
292 次Odin™細胞生長動力學檢測儀助力全面了解微生物的生長情況 2024-12-25
Odin™ 儀器是用于細胞代謝表征、生長動力學和鑒定的一體化解決方案。通過在受控環(huán)境中篩選數(shù)百甚至數(shù)千種不同的底物和生長條件,有效地對微生物進行表型分析。在 Odin L 上裝載多達 50 個
504 次活體腦化學助力帕金森研究新進展之電針刺激揭示帕金森病治療新機制 2024-12-20
近日,首都醫(yī)科大學神經病學王曉民實驗室賈軍老師及其團隊在Clinical and Translational Medicine雜志發(fā)表題為:“Corticostriatal glutamate-mediated dynamic therapeutic efficacy of e
204 次Application of SMALP in Screening of Different Membrane Proteins 2024-11-19
DescriptionThe SMALP, among all synthetic nanodisc products has been developed for for the solubilization of membrane proteins from all kinds of cell membranes and subsequent isola