3929 次APT文獻 | 蛋白質(zhì)組學揭示植物干旱脅迫的分子機制 2019-4-8
Significant and unique changes in phosphorylation levels of four leaf phosphoproteins in two apple rootstock genotypes under drought stress.干旱脅迫對于植物來說,是一個全球普遍存在
3668 次利用蛋白質(zhì)組學技術(iTRAQ)研究不同育性的油松胚胎在蛋白質(zhì)層面的表達差異 2019-4-4
【APT出品】做組學,發(fā)文章 so easy!Differential proteomic analysis revealing the ovule abortion inthe female-sterile line of Pinustabulaeformis Carr.Plant Science 260 (2017) 31-49研
3358 次【Sci Rep IF5.228】iTRAQ技術研究植物脅迫 2019-3-4
Comparativeproteomic analysis of the shoot apical meristem in maize between aZmCCT-associated near-isogenic line and its recurrent parent.文獻來源:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub
4589 次iTRAQ蛋白質(zhì)組學揭示油菜卷葉機理 2018-7-3
題目:Histological, Physiological, and Comparative Proteomic Analyses Provide Insights into Leaf Rolling in Brassica napus期刊:Journal of Proteome Research影響因子:4.268合作技術:
3952 次定量蛋白質(zhì)組表達譜分析技術---iTRAQ/TMT 2016-4-14
iTRAQ(Isobaric Tag for Relative Absolute Quantitation)和TMT(Tandem Mass Tags)技術是分別由美國AB Sciex公司和Thermo公司研發(fā)的多肽體外標記定量技術。這兩種技術采用2-10種穩(wěn)定同位素標簽,